Titscuits - The Healthy Lactation Cookie Premix
Regular price
R 220.00
Nobody deserves a stale cookie, especially not a ravenous new mother. Breastfeeding or not - mama needs a SNACK! Full of healthy fats and nourishing ingredients, it’s a cookie that tastes scrummy and is actually good for you. Dad and toddler approved too!
These Titscuits are an easy-to-make, nutrient dense, lactation cookie premix to bake at home. Full of galactagogues and adaptogenic herbs, to have on hand, to easily nourish the postpartum mother.
All you need is 15 minutes and a hot oven!
*Natural and clean ingredients - Sourced mindfully and locally.
*Dairy free, vegan, wheat free, palm oil free, refined sugar free.
Lead time: 3/5 working days